IT goes without saying that one has to have a thick skin to stand for public office. However, the re-emergence of the Nellie Copson persecution fiasco now leads me to believe that the skin is now redundant.

It is sufficient only for our representatives to be thick.

What I would like to bring to general attention is the considerable volume of unsung public service which Nellie has carried out over the years by acting as an unpaid archivist of a most extensive pictorial record of old Droitwich.

Her albums of old postcards and supporting material are unrivalled in the area and have been produced for examination at society meetings over and over again, always giving great satisfaction.

Of course, behind the blind persecution of Nellie by the invertebrate leeches of local government, there lurks the murky deal of past years involving the failure to levy rates on the empty Worcestershire Hotel.

It must be obvious that if the provision of services at the Chateau Impney and Raven hotels is rewarded by waiving rates on the Worcestershire Hotel, a similar dispensation should be made to Nellie in respect of her business rate demand in recognition of her unsung public service.

Denis Brown,

Blackfriars Avenue,

Droitwich Spa.