BROADWAY residents hoping for a letter by wing or prayer could be feeling lucky to have Tony Wells in their midst, writes Pat Smith.

When the Rev Tony Wells is not working as a part-time postman, he is assisting Canon Peter Burch with services at St Michael's in Broadway and St John the Baptist in Wickhamford.

When Mr Wells took early retirement from his full-time ministry in the Forest of Dean and moved to Broadway with his wife Jenny, he needed to augment the family income.

Since applying for a job at the local post office Mr Wells can now be seen pushing his post trolley around the Sands Estate six mornings a week, and on the seventh - he is in the pulpit.

He said: "It all works well because I can continue my calling, while earning a bit of money during the week.

"People were surprised to see me delivering on the round, but now they have got used to me I sometimes get asked in to say prayers."

Tony Wells' calling has been a varied one, starting as a curate in Bethnal Green, East London.

During the 1960s he worked with the South American Missionary Society in Paraguay in shanty towns.

Later he was a vicar in various Merseyside districts including Fairfield at the time of the Toxteth riots.

Then he moved south to be near his wife's parents and became part of a ministry team at St Mark's Church, Cheltenham.

And all his efforts in Broadway have not gone unnoticed.

Canon Peter Burch said: "I am very appreciative of the Rev Tony Wells, and the Rev John Hodgson, who is also retired and lends a hand with services.

"Their help was particularly welcome earlier this year when I was off ill," he added.