REGARDING the proposed Lickey End Parish Council and Mr Howard's letter. We understand the democratic process perfectly well, but does he?

It is because of our understanding that we complain - 22.5 per cent imposing their views on 77.5 per cent is not democratic.

We are already being primed to accept yet another large increase in rates as evidenced by the lead article in the Advertiser/Messenger of December 6, never mind the guesstimated 26p per week extra cost claimed by Mr Howard - for what benefit exactly we still have to learn!

As for "totally misleading statements," I agree with him wholeheartedly.

Residents deserve to know the facts, and the facts are that only 517 ratepayers out of 2,296 want a parish council.

This may constitute approval in Mr Howard's eyes, but for the rest of us it is a resounding 'no.'

Mr Howard's derogatory remarks, implying we are selfish, mercenary, carping and lacking in community spirit, are insulting and undeserved.

All we want is to see the views of the vast majority acted on.

B Taylor,

Birmingham Road,

Lickey End,
