HILL & MOOR PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of meeting held in Lower Moor Village Hall on December 7.

Benches: Mr Miller had looked into various types of benches to replace vandalised benches on the Village Green. The cost of replacement would be from £215 - 250. A suggestion was made to place a barrier to the car park to keep out vehicles from users, who are not residents of the village, late at night.

Village Hall: The Chairman reported that people from the Village had come forward to form a new committee. Arrangements would be made to formalise the Village Hall Committee as soon as possible.

Village Green: The Clerk to write to contractors to complete the pathways as set out in the original plans.

Salters Lane: A positive response has been received from Springhill Farm in reply to the letter sent by the Clerk. A letter of thanks to be sent for the actions being taken by the proprietors of Springhill Farm.

Planning: The Council had no objections to the Planning Applications of Mr & Mrs Williams - Single Story extension at 'Woodgrove, Maytree Road. Mr J Massingham - resubmission plan for 3 Bedroom dwelling. Mr & Mrs Fleming Bridge House, Salters Lane - Extension and alterations.

Highways: Cllr Lampard reported on the site visit of the roads in Lower Moor by the of the Highways Department representative. Orders have been placed with the Maintenance Contractors to undertake repairs to road defects throughout the Village and to resurface Throckmorten Lane and Church Lane. Drain clearage was also listed. Salters Lane had been swept by the use of a Road Sweeper.

Footpath: A reply has been received from the Highways Department who are to make a site visit following a request for the extension of the footpaths in Maytree Road.

Precepts: It was voted unanimously that there would be no increase on the previous years precept value. It was also the third year that no increase has been levied.

Skips: An additional skip has been ordered - which is above our normal allocation - for week ending March 2, 2001

Neighbourhood Watch: Cllr Lampard reported that he had made application to British Telecom to have the Neighbourhood Watch signs affixed to their telegraph poles.

Dog Litter: Cllr Lampard wished to make aware the responsibility of dog owners to dispose of litter when walking their dogs. There is now a dog litter bin near the Village Green for such purposes which is emptied once a week.

Christmas Greetings: As last year, Council members will deliver a Christmas Greeting to all households. The Greeting has been designed and set out by Barbara McDonald. It was proposed by Cllr Lampard and seconded by Cllr Hall to finance the cost of printing. The date for the next meeting is January 4.