SHATTERFORD Fishery proved popular over the Christmas period with top trout angler Gary Lamb landing 19 to 2lb using a viva on the Masters Lake.

Lamb, of Evesham, was joined by a Dudley angler who caught 17 to one-and-a-half lb, using a montana.

A Worcester man managed 14 to 2lb using a cats whisker on the Wyre dell lake, while another hooked nine to 2lb using a green fritz.

Romsley's James Price landed a mirror carp to 18lb 7oz and a common carp to 17lb 6oz using boilies on the Stuarts lake.

A Stourbridge angler caught a 20lb 4oz mirror carp on the Masters lake and another grabbed 25 to 30lb of roach, perch, bream and small carp using maggots casters on the Stella lake.