Peter Luff, MP

IT has been a good year for Droitwich.

The town centre has gained confidence and life thanks to the work of the traders in DARTS. I am delighted to have played a part in getting such a successful organisation off the ground. And the progress towards the reopening of the Droitwich canals is very encouraging. When they do reopen it will be a very happy day.

At this time of year I think of all the voluntary organisations and charities in the town which do so much for the disadvantaged and vulnerable people.

As we enjoy the holiday -- and I hope it's a very happy one for all of you -- let's give thanks to all those who work so hard to make our county and our town a special place to live.

Julie Kirkbride, MP

THE start of the third Millennium was a wonderful year for me.

Our baby son was born in October and has brought huge joy to our lives, especially over the holiday period. His arrival added a special dimension of the Christmas message for me.

Having Angus makes me even more sad for the children across the world not lucky enough to be born into a comfortably-off family in a rich nation.

And I pay tribute to many constituents who supported the Jubilee 2000 campaign whose lobbying has succeeded in cutting the debts of Third World countries.

May I also thank everyone who worked so hard over Christmas and the New Year keeping our public services running.

We owe a debt to all emergency services workers who every year sacrifice their holiday so that the rest of us can enjoy ours.

A very happy, successful and prosperous year to you all.

Don Lawley, Mayor of Droitwich Spa

THIS year has been one of mixed fortunes, starting on such an optimistic note with the Millennium celebrations, hope and a spirit of togetherness, yet closing with the realisation of how climatic changes will affect us all in the coming century.

We have examples, during the fuel crisis and more recent flooding, which should vividly emphasise the reality of interdependence upon one another -- the importance of patience, tolerance, compassion and community spirit in facing problems together.

Most of us have experienced the feel-good factor and sense of well-being which comes from either helping a worthy cause or actively involving ourselves in one of the charitable appeals. Let us grasp the opportunity with this New Year to start and raise our awareness of how we can influence our own communities for the better. I would especially like to thank all voluntary groups and volunteers for the work they do.

Nick Psirides, leader of Bromsgrove District Council

IT has been a great start to the new Millennium ending the first year with the magnificent fireworks display.

The new arts centre is taking shape and improvement projects throughout the District are shaping up well.

Your council has forged links with a number of partnerships and it is developing closer links with the communities within the district to improve quality of life.

I am looking forward to further closer working relationships with the community, the voluntary sector and local businesses. The proposed new way of running the council through the modernisation process bodes well.

May I thank, on your behalf, the council's staff who put in such hard work throughout the year and particularly those who will be on duty to meet any emergencies over the holidays.

I wish all residents a great time with New Year celebrations.

Ann Doyle, chairman, Bromsgrove District Council

AS the year 2001 begins, and having been chairman of Bromsgrove District Council for some eight months, I look back on the past year as having been very busy, exciting but above all, fulfilling.

I think of all the events which I have taken part in, the hundreds of people I have met and without exception, the kindness of all of these people.

I have special memories of the young people -- the times I have spent with the young members of the Scouting movements, and at the other end of the scale it has been my privilege to meet the veterans of the Burma Star organisation, to whom we owe so very much.

I would like to thank all the people who have been so kind and hospitable to me during these months and to all the residents of Bromsgrove I wish a very happy and prosperous New Year.