THE mother of a missing Drakes Broughton teenager whose body has been found in the River Severn at Worcester has paid tribute to her 'cheerful and smiling' son.

Andrew Read was last seen by his mum Mary when she dropped him off outside the Old Rectifying House pub in Worcester at 10.30pm on November 13.

The 17-year-old known to his friends as Reedy, did not contact his friends or family again. His body was found in the River Severn near the Ketch pub at Worcester last Thursday.

Mrs Read said: "Andrew was a very intelligent boy who had many good ideas. He was very loyal to his friends. He enjoyed dance music and in particular DJ-ing. He also read widely and enjoyed drama .

"He did not always show his thoughts and feelings but had an outward face of always being cheerful and smiling. Obviously we are devastated by his death and find it hard to believe that we will not see him again on this earth, but look forward to the day when we meet him again."