A PLEA by Labour to save cash by transferring the Norton collection of artefacts at the Bromsgrove Museum to Avoncroft was set to be thrown out at a meeting of the full district council last night.

The motion was put forward by Labour group leader Cllr Peter McDonald (Uffdown and Waseley).

But council leader Cllr Nick Psirides (Con, Norton) dismissed the idea.

Savings were being made, he said, as the council no longer employs a curator at the museum, in Birmingham Road.

A building costing around £500,000 would have to be built to house the collection at the Stoke Heath site and Avoncroft would want an annual grant.

A new home would also have to be found for Bromsgrove's Tourist Information Centre, he added.

Cllr Colin Brooks (Lab, Charford) tabled a motion calling on the council to condemn the use of homophobic language in the chamber.

And Cllr Psirides was expected to be to be re-elected leader in line with plans to modernise the council's decision-making process, which begins in February.