OUTRAGE. That's the word to greet the news that the MoD has demanded money for its help in flood-hit Upton-upon-Severn.

What a wonderful job the emergency services did during the great flood of November. Unfortunately, our emergency services are again being called on to save the day.

One can only conjecture that some mandarin in Whitehall has seen fit to try and profit from the further misery imposed on the people of Upton-flooded-upon-Severn.

Some of these people were just beginning to try and get back to a normal life.

Some had builders in to clear-up after the November floods when the water came cascading back into their homes.

And then, when they most needed help, came the Whitehall bombshell. It wants £200 a day for Territorial Army cover.

The district council is to be applauded in its action in cutting through red tape and saying it will find the money somehow. The priority being that when people need help, they get help.

But we should not be having to pay this money. It's a national outrage that a disaster area (come and look again Mr Prescott) should be taxed for its misfortune.

It's an outrage, but maybe no surprise, that Whitehall can be so insensitive.