THE Everyman has certainly excelled itself this year with the best panto for a long time.

Chris Denys and Chris Harris's script had all the ingredients of a traditional show, with modern touches added to satisfy children and grown ups.

Youngsters were won over early by Brian Hewlett's Dame Letitia Lansdown who soon set the tone by encouraging them to blow huge raspberries at the giant.

The talented cast's teamwork was so excellently polished that to pick out individual performances is extremely hard. Solo singing, and choreographed dance routines by all were of the highest standard.

There was a hilarious Welsh fairy played by Emma Jerrold and a Simple Simon, by Jon Bonner, who managed to steal the show countless times with his silly faces and skillful magic tricks.

The giant too was great - really great - and all of him was on stage, unlike some productions where only a gruff voice and big shoes are in evidence.

What surely must have impressed the grown ups was an amazing rendition of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

The harmonies were spot on, but also very funny, and Simple Simon played a mean guitar.

The show runs until January 20. PS