A KIDDERMINSTER group which "doubled-up" in a bid to hit the heights are already enjoying success on what they hope will be the road to fame and fortune. Andrew Fletcher, Robert Ledger, Matthew Colley and Carl Ashton.

The Amateurs have played several successful gigs since forming at the start of September when former bands BlueLiner, and another, also called The Amateurs, split.

The group is made up of vocalist Rob Ledger, drummer Carl Ashton, both former BlueLiner members, bass player Andrew Fletcher and vocalist and guitarist Matthew Colley, ex-members of The Amateurs.

The lads have already proved popular at venues in Birmingham, London and Stourport said vocalist Rob Ledger.

"Our gigs were well attended each time and we have become regulars at some of the venues, in particular the Jug of Ale in Moseley and the Black Star in Stourport.

"We are expanding our contacts and now just want the chance to show as many people as possible our talents and how we are progressing as a group."

He added: "The ideas that myself and Carl brought from BlueLiner are mixing well with those which Andrew and Matthew have from their old days.

"The change has done us good and we feel there are good times ahead. It has definitely helped us to have some ideas to start with and we are learning all the time which is good."

However, The Amateurs are not simply relying on past efforts.

"We have eight or nine new songs and have just produced our first CD", said Rob.

"Our style has changed a bit and we play a lot of guitar music. It's an indie style, a bit like The Stone Roses."

The latest chances to catch The Amateurs in action are at the Tap House in Kidderminster on Sunday and on Sunday, January 7.

They are also in the spotlight at the Black Star, Stourport, on January 4 and in Birmingham at The Custard Factory on January 12 and the Flapper and Firkin in Gas Street Basin on January 18.

They complete a hectic start to the New Year with a gig at the Jug of Ale in Moseley on January 31.