ST JAMES' CHURCH: Christmas Fair took place on Saturday and was well attended, the period over lunchtime being mercifully dry. Trade was brisk, with many people taking advantage of the lunches and mulled wine being served in between generous spending at the various stalls. The organisers expressed themselves very grateful for all the support they had received from helpers and public alike, the result being in the region of £900 profit - a welcome addition to church funds.

FIRST SCHOOL: Took the risk of holding their carol service out of doors this year and were blessed with a fine (or very nearly fine) evening so that the lantern-lit scene in the playground behind the school had no umbrellas in evidence. It was a delightful occasion, the entire school seated facing numerous parents, many of whom had brought along their own seats as instructed, and their candles and lanterns as well as woolly hats, scarves, gloves and wraps. In the background the lights on the school walls and the lighted classrooms were reflected in the instruments of the brass ensemble (friends of the music teacher, Mrs Fishbourn) who provided the seasonal music and accompaniment. Each class's entertainment was performed with gusto, the audience then taking its turn in joining in the familiar carols, all interspersed with readings by invited guests. It was a heart-warming evening, reflecting great credit on the school and living on, we can be sure, in the minds of the children. All the friends and supporters of the school wish them all a well-deserved Happy Christmas!