PARISH FELLOWSHIP: At the November meeting the group enjoyed the story of a Pilgrimage from Le Puy in France to Santiago de Compostela in north west Spain.

The speaker Lady Watson told the group that pilgrimages were made for several reasons, sometimes for punishment or penance or interest. Because Jerusalem was too far and too difficult to reach, many chose to go tomb of St James in Spain - Santiago. Many monasteries provided hospitals and accommodation for the pilgrims along the way. Lady Watson explained that her pilgrim route was marked out by coloured strips on trees, rocks and buildings. Having reached and climbed over the Pyrenees she really thought she was getting somewhere - hardly a quarter of the journey! Lady Watson walked over a 1,000 miles in seven weeks, encountering all kinds of weather and she showed slides of ancient churches with carvings depicting biblical scenes as well as wonderful scenery. Nearing Santiago de Compostela, not far from the Atlantic cast, yellow arrows marked the route. Lady Watson added that on her 60th birthday she started walking from Lands End to John O'Groats for a fund raising project for Warwick University. The group admired her for such a mammoth undertaking. The next meeting will be today (Thursday) 7.30pm at the Free School when Mrs Wilson will be talking about the Helen House Hospice for Children in Oxford.

PARISH COUNCIL: Attended by six councillors and seven members of the public.

Trees: No permission was needed to trim back trees outside the industrial estate.

Band instruments: Shipston Town Band is starting a youth group and giving tuition and a request has been received to borrow a Brailes instrument.

PC Website: Coun Staddon would investigate whether the government were giving money to set this up.

Housing survey: The clerk advised information regarding this would shortly be available.

Gilletts Lane: The clerk had established the county makes no claim to the lane, residents should therefore make their own private arrangements towards upkeep.

Village Hall: The clerk asked the council if they would consider offering the hall committee storage for documents in the Council Office. This was considered helpful since no storage exists in the hall. The clerk will write to the hall committee with the offer. Additional items requested for the play area by the play area sub committee had been ordered by the clerk and a discount requested.

Village Art Project: Sponsored by the County Arts Service a meeting was to be held by a steering committee which was to include a parish councillor. None came forward so the clerk offered to represent the council.

Speed Limit: A 20 mph limit for villages in rural areas phased in over three years was being considered. Councillors were adamant this was not necessary in Brailes.

Parish council/Brailes Charity trustee: Coun Ken Durham was resigning from the charity after 40 years of continuous service and he was thanked by all for his hard work and long service on the charity. Mr John Dudbridge has been elected to take his place.

Maintenance: It was suggested another leaf sweeping should be requested to avoid blockage of drains. Mr Jervis felt deer crossing signs would be helpful at the top and bottom of Compton Hill, where deer had recently been killed. Lower Brailes sign along Castle Hill Lane is missing the clerk to report to county.

Correspondence: A rural services survey form had been filled in and returned - its aim is to provide information to influence government policy to benefit rural communities. Early return gave eligibility for selection for a £1,000 donation.

Cemetery: When thanking the PC for its annual donation towards the upkeep of the churchyard, Rev Morgan had written to say that with only about 20 spaces left for graves now the council would need to fence the additional land for the cemetery upon which it has a lien. The area would accommodate a further 30 or so graves but longer term consideration had to be given for further land. It was decided that following a site meeting further land could be looked at and the clerk approach Lord Northampton's agent as required.

Members reports: Mr Durham said village pumps for School Lane, Rectory Lane and the Fountain were ready or nearly ready for re-installation following repair and refurbishment. Mr Jervis said Mr Durham had done a tremendous amount of work on them and proposed a vote of thanks - all agreed.

Planning: Please arrange visit Council Office for up-to-date information or contact the clerk. The parish clerk office hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 10am to 11am at the Chapel Schoolroom.

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: Brailes playgroup are holding a grand Christmas draw and bazaar on Saturday at 2pm at the Old School, School Lane, Lower Brailes. Come along and see Father Christmas. There will be a cake stall, tombola, children's Christmas crafts and the grand Christmas draw will take place tickets are still available at The Post Office, Smiths Stores or Baldwin's Newsagents.

CAROL SERVICE: The United Carol Service will be held on Sunday at 6.30pm at St George's Church, Lower Brailes. Everybody welcome.

DAISY DRAMA GROUP: The Daisy Drama Group presents 'Christmas Candy' a Christmas tale of two children who fly up the brightest star and discover the true meaning of Christmas Day. Performances on December 20 and 21, 6pm at Brailes Village Hall. Admission £3 adults, £1 children, telephone 01608 685763.

CAROL CONCERT: On December 22, 7.30pm at Winderton Church, mulled wine and mince pies. In aid of the Feldon Trust.

CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION: On December 23 the Millennium Association are holding a Victorian evening (period dress as you like or not) at Stocks Green by the war memorial. Commencing at 4.30pm there will be Victorian games, Santa Claus and refreshments and at 6pm the old oil lamp, by the Lychgate which has been refurbished and connected to electricity will be switched on. Carols will then be sung around the lamp accompanied by Shipston Town Band. Fun for all the family.

CHRISTMAS SERVICES: Sunday, December 24 at St George's Church, Lower Brailes: 8.30am Holy Communion, 3.30pm The blessing of the crib and family carols and 11.30pm midnight mass. At St Thomas a Becket's, Sutton: 9.30am crib service. The Methodist Church: 11am service with the Rev J Smith. Christmas Day Services: St George's Church: 8.30am Holy Communion and 11pm Family Communion and at St Thomas a Becket's: 9.30am Holy Communion.

PAINTING FOR PLEASURE: Members enjoyed the last session of the year 2000. It has been a successful year for the group starting with the April exhibition to putting on a small display for the best village award in October. Everybody seems to have enjoyed the Monday sessions in the Free School and members are to be congratulated for the standard of work produced. The group would like to thank all those who have supported them during the year and would welcome newcomers who paint and old friends to join us when we recommence on February 12.

FOOTPATH GROUP: Looking back it hardly seems 12 months since the group were celebrating the start of year 2000. Many of the group enjoyed the communal gathering and fireworks on the village playing field on New Year's Eve, but January 3 was certainly one of the group's highlights when 18 months of planning and work came to fruition with the re-opening of the '99 Steps' after extensive refurbishment. Glenda Woods organised fund raising amongst the villagers with a sponsor-a-step scheme whilst Alan Hessel was the project leader. Many of the group helped with the minor works but the majority of the works including replacing and re-siting of steps and a new hand rail was done by Mick Edmunds often in cold wet and muddy conditions. Bob Clark, one of the oldest walkers in Brailes cut the tape and Rev Nicolas Morgan blessed the path and all future users watched by over a 100 people who had come to support the path and celebrate with the group. The rest of the year has been filled with building new steps improving stiles footpaths cleared and signposts sited. The group look forward to 2001 with enthusiasm and wish you all a very Happy Christmas, enjoyable New Year and Good Walking.

ART PROJECT: The Brailes Art Project is sponsored by the County Council Arts Services. From the questionnaire's returned from Brailes to the arts officer at Warwick, a steering committee of six was set up to discuss the ideas proposed. At a meeting with the officer in November the team preferred the suggestion of decorating one wall of the foyer of the village hall with artists' tiles depicting life or features of Brailes in the millennium year.

About £4,500 will be made available and the arts services will engage the artist who will liase with the steering group before for any work begins. Ideas will be discussed again before any final decision is made.

BRAILES MECHANICAL: The November meeting saw the return of Mr Winterburn with more slides of Little Known Warwickshire who opened our eyes to the little known historical gems around us. His slick presentation and wealth of knowledge was interesting, informative and educational, making us vow to open our eyes in the future. The December meeting included the annual Christmas buffet supper along with the return of another well-known speaker Mrs Mornee Button, an acclaimed photographer of wildlife and flowers, whose illustrated articles feature regularly in Cotswold Life and the NFU Countryside Magazine.