LABOUR leader Jamie Shaw stressed the importance of a meeting between the council and district GPs.

He pointed out the authority had expressed "disappointment and disquiet" two years ago at the decision to downgrade Kidderminster Hospital.

He noted the council pointed out several weaknesses about the interim period - a view shared by the doctors in their statement three weeks ago.

He said: "We did say we would work constructively and I do not think we have achieved that.

"However, the doctors' concerns are similar to those of the council two years ago and I think it would be eminently sensible that the two bodies should meet.

"We need to be engaged more constructively than we have been in the past."

But Liberal councillor Siri Hayward, a hospital nurse, was doubtful if the council would be listened to.

She said: "Last summer we tried to have a scrutiny day and extended invitations far and wide - only three people turned up.

"People do not want to talk to us. We are the elected body and no-one wants to talk to us!"