I THOROUGHLY enjoyed this production, performed enthusiastically by the students.

All the actors played their roles well, led by Louise Parker, who was excellent in the title role.

A young man called David Shaw had a very busy evening. He played the part of Mr Darling, a Red Indian, a pirate, and when not employed in one of those roles, crawled around the floor in the crocodile costume!

A special mention goes to Tash Lofti for her hilarious cameo as the short-sighted pirate, oblivious of everything going on around her.

A cuddly dog costume for Nana produced a loud "Aah" when she appeared - Emma Hickebottom must have been sweltering!

The costumes were excellent, and there were good songs, well performed by the cast and off-stage musicians, though the cast needed more amplication.

This was a good evening's entertainment for children and adults to enjoy. VJS.