100 years ago

December 15, 1900

STRATFORD: Loss of Cheques - Mrs Stilgoe, late of this town, lost a purse containing a sovereign and some silver and three cheques, amounting to £65. It appears she trained from Knowle to Stratford and when she had got as far as the hospital, she suddenly found the purse gone. She suspected the passengers in the same carriage had stolen the purse and she picked out a man whom she thought was the person.

From her description, police effected an arrest but he was allowed to go. Fortunately she knew the numbers of the cheques so payment was stopped.

75 years ago

December 12, 1925

BROOM: Tea and Concert to celebrate the anniversary of the opening of the village hall, a tea and concert took place last Friday with about 110 persons being present.

50 years ago

December 16, 1950

Stratford: Stratford seems to be a town that has weathered the years successfully, that has combined the old and the new and, in doing so, has acquired great charm. So wrote Jean Boynton, aged 16, of Darlaston, Staffs, winner of the 1950 essay competition promoted by Stratford Borough Council for schoolchildren visiting the town.

25 years ago

December 18, 1975

Stratford: British Rail could face High Court action if it tried to close Stratford station as part of a major contraction of the country's railway services. Michael Brockington, secretary of the Stratford Transport Action Group, said: "If British Rail wants to close the line it will have to go back to the High Court to get an injunction rescinded."