WEDNESDAY CLUB: On November 8 members had a wonderful afternoon devoted to nostalgia. Mr Dennis Flower delighted the meeting with reminiscences of Ilmington characters and events from the past. The 1934 Christmas Broadcast tape featuring Shepherd Walton Handy took members back to the time of the British Empire and a pre-war way of life. Just as charming was Dennis's recording of a different version of the history of Guy Fawkes. The club fell to reminiscing and remembering - and feeling grateful that much of the past lives on, the singing of carols and the ringing of church bells and the comforting presence of the Flower family still at The Manor.

An exhibition of old photographs of the village added to the nostalgic atmosphere of the meeting. Members were asked to try and identify people and places in order to provide a more complete village record. The club will be enjoying a traditional Christmas lunch in a different setting this year - on board the Countess of Evesham on the river Avon. We wish all our friends in the four parishes a very happy Christmas and a healthy, prosperous New Year.