FAMILY TREES: For those people who are interested in tracing their family trees, Peter Tyrell will be giving a talk on 'Genealogy for Beginners', at the next Over Norton History Group meeting. The meeting will be held on November 23, in the village hall, starting at 7.30pm. Admission to visitors is just £1.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT: 100 years of music will be celebrated at a concert on December 9, raising money for Highlands Day Centre. The concert will be held at Chipping Norton School and include performances from North Cotswold Recorder Group, Male Voice Choir, the Nortonians and CHAOS. Tickets are priced £5 and available from the Age Concern Shop, Market Street.

FASHION TREAT: Chipping Norton School Association will be presenting an entertaining fashion show on November 17. Clothes for the evening will be supplied by local retailers, New Look, Top Mark's and Henry's Menswear and will be modelled by staff and pupils. The fun starts at 7pm, with tickets costing £2.50, available from the school office.

PRINTMAKERS PRINTS: A display of work by the Oxford Printmakers Co-operative will be held at the Theatre Gallery until November 19. The exhibition includes etchings, dry points, collagraphs, screenprints, lithographs and mono prints and the work is an exciting variety of subject and style, with vibrant colours. The Gallery is open Monday-Thursday 10am-1pm, admission is free.

CHORAL TREAT: Two masterpieces of the English choral tradition will be performed at St Mary's Church, Charlbury, on Saturday. Performances of Howell's Requiem and Taverner's Western Wind Mass, will be given by the North Cotswold Chamber Choir. The performance starts at 7.30pm and tickets cost £7.50.