ROYAL BRITISH LEGION WOMEN'S SECTION: The AGM of Badsey, Aldington and Wickhamford Women's Section was held at headquarters, there was a very good attendance. The chairman, Mrs Bet Westmacott welcomed everyone and asked for any apologies. The president Mrs Jess Reeves thanked all officers and the committee for their hard work throughout the year. The secretary Mrs Val Taylor gave her report on the year's work. Monthly meetings had been well attended, with speakers who proved very entertaining. A delegate, a standard bearer and visitors had attended national and county conferences. An Easter Fair and Christmas Fair had been held and proved very successful. Harvest Festival in September combined with the group meeting when members of surrounding branches attended and ploughman's suppers were served. In the absence of the treasurer Mrs Nancy Grinnell who is in ill health, the secretary read out the report. There was a very healthy bank balance after donations had been sent to headquarters for Women's Section Schemes. The election of officers and committee then took place and were all returned unopposed. The chairman announced the annual Christmas Fair would be held in the lounge of headquarters on December 9. Everyone was asked to support this. The County Conference was held at County Hall, Worcester when a delegate, standard bearer and two visitors attended and were delighted when Badsey was presented with the Coventry Cup for efficiency. Mrs Bet Westmacott and Mrs Val Taylor were elected on to County Committee. Refreshments were served to a totally exhausted gathering and were very much appreciated, and this brought the meeting to an eventual close.