JOHN Rosier (Journal, November 2) is absolutely right. The real problem at all of Worcestershire's hospitals is bed blocking. This is something I have been warning about in speeches and letters to ministers for two years. It was one of the major themes in my debate in the Commons on July 25 about hospital services in the county.

Care homes are closing in the county because of the impact of government policy. The county council social services department has been underfunded for years. Now mismanagement of that department's finances has made a bad situation desperate. The combination of these three factors means that there are currently in the order of 100 hospital beds 'blocked' by people who should be receiving more appropriate care in nursing homes or elsewhere. This is distressing for them and is likely to cost lives this winter.

I have made private representations to ministers about this and written them more letters than I can remember. Still nothing happens. Mr Dyke couldn't get a bed in Worcester's hospital in August. Just imagine what it will be like in the winter with a flu epidemic.

The government must give extra cash to the Health Authority, 'ring-fenced' for use only to address bed blocking. If it does not, we are likely to face a real crisis in our local health service this winter.

PETER LUFF, MP, for Mid Worcestershire, House of Commons.