n PARISH COUNCIL: Sir Timothy Harford met councillors before the meeting to explain the position regarding finance. The chairman thanked Sir Timothy for his presentation. The minutes of the meeting held on October 11 were signed as a true and correct record.

n Play area: Councillor Sherry Webb has continued to inspect the play area regularly and reported a fault in the equipment which would be repaired when the new slide is put in; it is not dangerous. An undated letter has been received from ROSPA advising it would carry out an inspection within three weeks. The clerk was asked to write and establish when they are coming.

n Traffic forum: Coun Sherry Webb had attended a meeting of the South East Worcestershire Traffic Forum and reported that the speed of traffic on the A44 was being looked into with the possibility of speed cameras or signs from Broadway to Wickhamford.

Councillors drew attention to Sandys Avenue where a parking on the road caused difficulties.

The clerk was asked to request that double yellow lines be extended.

n Parish council vacancy: The council is to co-opt a member to fill the vacancy on the council and hopes anyone interested will contact a councillor.

n Finance: Insurance - all correspondence confirms the parish is not entitled to claim any more than the £5,000 already claimed. Councillors unanimously agreed the chairman's proposal to write to the insurance ombudsman.

n Audit: A think piece was received and made available. Councillors agreed a letter should be sent explaining they would welcome an audit by the district council as inexpensively as possible.

n Community grants scheme: The clerk was asked to obtain further details and it was suggested this may be useful for the bus shelter.

n Contact the elderly: A letter was passed on requesting volunteers and donations. Councillors took posters to display in the village.

n Planning: New applications - 00/1185 Mr Pooler, Pitchers Hill - there were no comments.

Decisions: there were two appeal decisions - 99/0679 Mr and Mrs Sutton, Pitchers Hill - outline planning for two bungalows - dismissed. 99/0917 Mr Waldren, Orchard Farm - removal of conditions - dismissed.

n New business: Worcestershire Association AGM - details were passed on to councillors. NALC consultation on code of conduct for elected members - this will be circulated.

Wychavon domestic violence seminar - details were passed on to councillors.

n Beacon millennium - A letter had been received asking if the council was interested in lighting a bonfire or beacon on December 31. As Wickhamford is low-lying councillors felt it inappropriate. Next meeting: December 13.