I WRITE concerning the pedestrian subway, half-way up the Kidderminster ring road between the Crossley Park traffic lights and Blackwell Street, which provides pedestrians with access from Church Street to St Mary's Church.

However, when I went to use it recently, I was confronted with a sea of water nearly a foot deep.

As all ferry craft were being used elsewhere, it was no problem for me to find an alternative route, but for anyone not so agile, it must have posed quite a dilemma, for the alternative route is a long diversion involving an uphill climb at some stage.

Anyone who is handicapped with poor vision would certainly have received a nasty shock, as the water was quite clear and so easy to walk into. A barrier at each subway entrance would have prevented the risk of such an occurrence.

Perhaps the council can take the necessary action in future.

And with regard to the recent traffic delays on the ring road being intensified by the building work in the Horsefair, maybe the highways department should have earlier consulted one of the businesses in Blackwell Street whose property is affected - the clairvoyant.

They may then have seen the problems coming.


Hurcott Road
