I READ with interest the "Letter of the Week" sent in by AJ Williams (October 26), and I am in full support of his views on the proposed incinerator site.

But how many people know that we now have acquired a landfill site at Burlish Top, next to the nature reserve, destined to receive several thousand tons of waste material over the next two or three years before a golf course is created.

If the Stourport Road incinerator plan goes ahead, this would mean a second waste disposal site within a three-mile radius. In a heavily populated residential area, this would seem beyond belief.

It will mean even more traffic as lorries visit the site and I can't believe that these two sites would not present a serious threat to the health of those of us living in such close proximity.

Is this small area of Worcestershire destined to become the dumping ground for waste from far and wide, and what exactly will that waste be?


Torridon Close
