PRIME spots for dog squatting will be watched by spy cameras in bid to put irresponsible walkers firmly in the frame.

Stratford District Council is installing video surveillance at popular dog walking spots such as playing fields, sports grounds and public open spaces to catch owners refusing to scoop their hounds' poop to stop the growing problem of fouling.

Despite the offer of free poop scoops, the council has still had to hand out formal warnings to some dog owners and warned owners to take the problem seriously or face prosecution.

The first of the new surveillance cameras will be launched in Welford tomorrow (Tuesday) and will begin operation immediately, increasing the chance of owners being caught in the act.

Footage gathered of anti-social dog walking will be used as evidence in court and anyone found guilty of not clearing up after his or her dog faces a fixed penalty of £25 or a fine of up to £1,000 if prosecuted.