I would like to support the letter from Mr Hopwood (Postbag, October 13) regarding the costs of this proliferation of signs etc. If some of this funding had been targeted at basic road improvements i.e. repairing pot holes etc. to a high standard, the roads would now be a great deal safer for, in particular, cyclists and motorcyclists and the pavements made safer for pedestrians.

Perhaps I might highlight a "road safety measure" which cost thousands.

Friends who are cyclists in the Upton area have pointed out the pedestrian refuge on the road to Tewkesbury, over the bridge at Upton, past the Marina. The carriageway is now so narrow that they feel squeezed when riding through, and in their words it is "an accident waiting to happen".

No doubt the motorist will be blamed, but looking at the bigger picture the road safety improvement may well be a contributing factor.

Knee jerk road safety reactions are not what people want or deserve.

G Hughes, Halfkey Road, Malvern.