SOMETIMES I am ashamed of our nation. Our Government is now planning to give large firms the authority to issue work permits, to employees recruited from abroad, because of our nation's " skills shortage."

This is being permitted because one in five of working age in our country cannot read, or write, at adequate levels.

That means out of the 35 million people of working age, 14 million cannot earn their way in the world because of their abysmal education.

I suggest those who have managed our nation's educational affairs hang their heads in shame.

Fifty thousand children bunk off school every day. Some £175m is now to be spent on financing "police round-ups" of children, who should be at school.

I suggest those figures are appalling. What is it about education today, which alienates children from school, and consequently wrecks the development of their intellect? And if children are unwilling to develop their intellect what can be done?

I feel obliged to start a debate. The root problem, I suggest, is the welfare state.

Regardless of what they fail to achieve intellectually, today's children know that money will always be provided for their needs, for a lifetime.

The taxpayer has raised one generation of benefit children - it is now raising the next.

I suggest it is time we pulled the rug from beneath those anticipating a life on benefit. Isn't it time we demanded that people took responsibility for their own lives?

Shouldn't we focus the minds of children bunking off school, by telling them that "benefit", will no longer be paid to the jobless?

While it is proper and decent for the state to provide a welfare safety net, don't those who bunk off school now see that safety net as a real life option?

Isn't it unfair on the taxpayer, especially in the many families on low incomes, who work and struggle to bring up their children without state benefits, as a matter of personal pride?


Solent Road,
