MEASURES to help 120 carpet workers facing redundancy tomorrow has helped "soften the blow" of the job losses.

Wyre Forest MP David Lock said since job cuts at Carpets of Worth's Kidderminster and Stourport factories were announced two months ago, meetings to explain new options to staff had been successful.

The meetings were held to explain retraining options for employees, benefits problems were dealt with, pension issues highlighted and legal rights clarified.

Mr Lock arranged for representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, Employment Service and Carpet Weavers Union, now part of the Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, to attend the gatherings.

He said: "I am pleased we have all worked together to do the best by these loyal employees who are being made redundant.

"Retraining is immediately available and jobs are on offer elsewhere, it's a case of finding which are most suitable."

He added: "Nothing can take away all the problems of being made redundant after such long and dedicated service, but at least we can work together to soften the blow."