PARISH WALKS: The next parish walk is scheduled for November 12, meeting at the Jubilee Tree at 2pm.

VILLAGE OF THE YEAR COMPETITION: Having already won the Bledisloe Cup 'Best Kept Village' competition organised by Gloucestershire branch of the council for the Protection of Rural England, Willersey has this week been judged in the National 'Village of the Year' competition organised by Calor Gas and the Daily Telegraph. Villagers met the judges at the village hall, gave a conducted tour of the village, and gave a presentation and exhibition in the village hall. The result is now eagerly awaited.

WEDNESDAY CLUB: Two very successful meetings have been held in October. Firstly, Mrs Sheila Bambridge gave a talk on 'My India' and with the aid of some very good slides described her visits and work in India. At the following meeting, Mr Guy Stapleton gave a most interesting talk on 'Batsford Park and its Families'. On both occasions the chairman, Helen Rhoden, proposed a vote of thanks to the speakers.

At the next meeting on November 8 there will be an exhibition of Souvenirs and Diversions staged by members who will bring mementoes of holidays and other occasions.

TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP: At the October meeting Janet Kay gave a very reassuring talk on treatment for cancer and told of her own illness and the support she had received. The next meeting on November 7 will have a talk by Mrs Lorna Howarth on 'Susanna Wesley'. All are welcome at the Methodist Church Schoolroom.

VILLAGE HALL: At the AGM the chairman, Mrs Val Roberts, reported another successful year and thanked Mike Munt (secretary) and Neville Jelfs (treasurer) for their work. She also thanked Steve and Diana Ford who had looked after hall bookings for several years but had now to give up, and Mrs Val Seaton, for her very good work in keeping the hall clean and tidy. Treasurer Neville Jelfs reported a satisfactory financial position and a discussion followed on proposed improvements to the hall. A vote of thanks to the Management Committee was proposed by Maurice Andrews.

St Richard's Hospice: As a result of the Yvonne Hutchinson Classic Clothes Collection event organised by Mrs Sonia Woolven and her Volunteer Committee at Stable Cottage the sum of £1,121 was raised for St Richard's Hospice.

FOOTLIGHTS: The annual party for members (scheduled originally as a May Ball!) eventually took place at the village hall. A most excellent dinner totally prepared by the menfolk of the society was enjoyed by members and their guests. This annual event goes from strength to strength and the standard now achieved is without doubt as good as any first-class hotel. The quality of the meal, the presentation, and the usual good company, made for a most enjoyable and unforgettable occasion. Thanks are due to all who worked so hard.