TRADITIONAL ILMINGTON MORRIS MEN: The annual business meeting was held recently in Ilmington Village Hall. The side's Bagman Mr Paul Bryan gave his report. He said that the last year had been interesting from the Bagman's point of view as the task has been relatively easy to manage. The arrangement of Wednesday evening tours went smoothly with no major problems with any of the venues. The booking front and invitations to special events was disappointing. No paid bookings were undertaken although 11 were turned down thus reducing the side's income. The Kirtlington Lamb Ale was attended as was the 'Beasts around Banbury Cross'. (The beasts are the hobby horses and Ilmington featured prominently as their hobby horse which dates from early in the last century is the oldest in the whole country). Mr Bryan thought that although the traditional direction of the side was maintained there were a number of distracting influences especially as Stretton-on-Fosse dances were attempted. He said the dances were 'endured with mixed feelings' and that the side should not diversify away from the traditional Ilmington dances. The encouragement of younger members needs very careful consideration - it was an area that Paul Bryan hoped to give some time and hopefully to gain support of other members. He suggested that schools might develop an interest in Morris Dancing. The treasurer Jon Bladon's report showed that the year had ended with a healthy balance. With the election of officers Mr Nick Oliver became the new Squire. Mr Paul Bryan and Mr Jon Bladon continue as Bagman and treasurer respectively. In the section of the meeting reserved for other business the question of the village maypole was extensively discussed. Plans for the siting of the maypole in Berry Orchard near the school were about to be submitted for approval. The side obviously much appreciated Mr Dennis Flower's continuing interest in the Morris and especially allowing the maypole to be sited on Berry Orchard. It was confirmed that the parish council is on record as supporting the continuation of the project and had given consent for planning to be applied for in their name. The Bagman will act as agent. A member suggested that some Wednesday evenings should be given over to music practise to widen the playing abilities of the side. This matter will be further considered by the officers. The non-attendance of the side at the Ilmington August Bank Holiday fete was discussed. Although missing the fete was regretted it was stressed that was solely due to insufficient dancers being available due to absence on holiday. The inability to recruit new members continued to be a problem. It was stressed that Morris dancing is fun and a healthy form of exercise. New potential members will be warmly welcomed at the side's winter practise sessions every Wednesday in Ilmington Village Hall - no experience is necessary. Alternatively phone Paul Bryan on 01608 662167.