BONFIRE NIGHT: The community fireworks night takes place tomorrow (Friday) at the Bourton Rovers Football ground at 7.30pm. There will be a small charge to pay for the fireworks, adults £2 and children £1.

FRIDAY CLUB: Bourton Friday Club meet tomorrow (Friday) at 3pm in the Royal British Legion Hall when members will hear an illustrated talk by Thelma Lockwood on "Oberammergau".

AUTUMN FAIR: On Saturday, there is an autumn fair at Upper Slaughter Village Hall between 11am and 4pm. Cakes, Christmas gifts and cards, raffle and refreshments. Proceeds in aid of Andrew Brain's Wheelchair fund.

ART CLASSES: Classes in watercolour painting are being held by local artist Elizabeth Chalmers with a series of one and two day workshops for beginners and for those with some experience. The workshops will take place in her studio during November, December and next February. Contact Elizabeth for details on 01451-820910.5.

AGAPE MEAL: On Monday, Bourton Christian Council hold a simple AGAPE meal at Bourton Baptist Church School Room. Tickets are £3 and can be obtained from members of the various churches in Bourton.

PROBUS CLUB: Bourton Vale Probus Club meet on Tuesday at 10.15am in the Baptist Church School Room. Miss MR MacDonald will talk on "The Gunpowder Plot and its local connections.

CHESHIRE HOME MEETING: On Wednesday at 3pm, the Friends of the Leonard Cheshire Home meet for their Annual General Meeting in the Victoria Hall. All who are interested in supporting the Friends are welcome.