100 years ago

November 3, 1900

PERSHORE: Dancing - The annual classes have been commenced in the elegant ballroom at the Royal Three Tuns. Judging from the success of the two classes already held the present term looks set to eclipse all previous ones in popularity.

75 years ago

October 31, 1925

EVESHAM: Co-operative Concert - A well attended concert, organised by the Evesham Co-operative Education Committee, was held in the Cowl Street Hall, Evesham, on Wednesday night. Mr R Aldington was in the chair. A good programme was gone through and much appreciated by the audience, who demanded many encores. During an interval, the chairman gave a short address on the value of co-operation and gave figures showing the extent of its growth, and the orchestra played selections whilst refreshments were being served.

50 years ago

November 4, 1950

Evesham: The restoration of Evesham's 16th century Bell Tower will be completed and the newly cast peal of 12 bells - the finest in Worcestershire - will be ringing by August next year, in time for Evesham's Festival of Britain Celebrations. Messrs John Taylor and Co, the Loughborough bellfounders responsible for the peals at Worcester Cathedral, Tewkesbury Abbey and many other of the most famous in England, have been given the task of re-casting the present ten bells and making two more.

25 years ago

November 6, 1975

Evesham: A new bell was hung yesterday in the empty tower of St Mary's Church, Aston Somerville and a new clock installed almost two years after the old ones were destroyed by fire.