CONGRATULATIONS to the Shuttle for your "Clean up Kidderminster" campaign.

Nearly a year ago you printed my letter concerning the amount of litter along the verges coming in from the Worcester side of town, and, if anything, it has got worse.

Certainly the council needs to do more - cutting the verges only makes things worse if, instead of long grass, loads of scattered rubbish is revealed beneath it - but it is a collective responsibility involving local businesses, take-away food outlets and individuals too.

Everyone needs to dispose of their rubbish more carefully and effectively.

Some 80 per cent of household rubbish can be recycled - cans and bottles, cardboard and paper, wearable clothes and tatty old foot-wear, kitchen and garden waste, books and scrap metal.

Most of us pass recycling "banks" during the week and if we used them then what would be left would hardly fill a black plastic bag, let alone keep an incinerator supplied.

Just as a PS, has anyone else noticed how ugly the central divide looks on the stretch of the ring road between Comberton Hill and Worcester Road islands, with its intermittent bits of shrubs, dead weeds, clumps of grass and drab, cracked slabs? A good place for the council to start perhaps?


Stanklyn Lane
