ONE of the agenda items at the full council meeting on October 23 was the bid for lottery funds for a Healthy Living Centre.

The Labour Government has ring-fenced funds - via the New Opportunities Fund - and cut back on capital which local community-based organisations can bid for.

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations has just criticised ministerial meddling in the way lottery funds are used.

Redditch may soon have £1.3m of extra money to spend on public health.

When I dared to suggest that the private and voluntary sector must be involved in managing this project, if our bid succeeds, the eyes of Labour councillors glazed over.

Councillor Betty Passingham reassured me volunteers deliver leaflets for the Batchley Health Alliance.

Councillor David Cartwright apologised after the meeting for failing to understand my argument. He conceded that I was right.

When such a large sum may be soon be at the disposal of our Labour council, it is vital that all of us - as taxpayers and purchasers of lottery tickets - see real value from it.

The lack of vision and the shallow understanding in the Labour group, suggests that, as so often with Labour politicians, this injection of cash will not achieve its real potential.

Councillor Gavin Smithers

Rockford Close

Oakenshaw South