SKYLIGHT by David Hare


Studio, Rose Theatre, Kidderminster

SKYLIGHT, is set in a shabby, and extremely cold, flat, belonging to Kyra.

She has a visitor, Edward, the son of a former employer, who is worried about his father, Tom, widowed a year ago. He is becoming impossible to live with, and Edward hopes Kyra can help. After all, she used to live with them - why did she leave?

Later that evening, Tom arrives. During ensuing conversations, there are revelations, guilt, and many home truths.

My interest was held throughout, but I cannot understand why the final scene is in at all. I felt the play really ended at the end of the previous scene.

There were only three actors, and each gave good performances.

James Stevens made a most impressive debut as Edward, never faltering in his dialogue, and showing emotion when necessary.

The ever dependable Athol M'Donald was Tom, who as always was convincing as the somewhat pompous businessman, a master at sarcasm. As Kyra, Vivienne Cole had to cook a pasta meal while acting, which could not have been easy.

The play, on until Saturday, is unsuitable for children as there is a lot of strong language. VJS