THERE were apologies from 10 members. The president gave best wishes to four members celebrating birthdays, especially the secretary on the occasion of his 80th birthday.

Four visitors were welcomed.

Guest speaker Hugh Thompson gave a talk entitled 'Under the Sea.'

He explained that he had joined the Navy in 1946, serving on a battleship, a destroyer and finally moving to submarines. He made the move to submariner because of the extra pay of founr shillings a day! He explained that claustrophobia could be a problem and was identified in various diving tests in a 100ft deep tank.

After serving in several duties he was selected as a Commanding Officer and described the heavy responsibility this entailed. With no-one to turn to, officers make mistakes, and he went on to explain that he once misread the tide situation out of Portsmouth harbour and went out sideways.

He was thanked by Steve Jones. President Peter Buxton then closed the meeting.

The next meeting takes place on Wednesday September 27, at the Swan Hotel, at noon. Membership forms for retired professional and businessmen are avaiable from Peter Buxton on (01789) 762771.

THERE were apologies from 10 members. The president gave best wishes to four members celebrating birthdays, especially the secretary on the occasion of his 80th birthday.

Four visitors were welcomed.

Guest speaker Hugh Thompson gave a talk entitled 'Under the Sea.'

He explained that he had joined the Navy in 1946, serving on a battleship, a destroyer and finally moving to submarines. He made the move to submariner because of the extra pay of founr shillings a day! He explained that claustrophobia could be a problem and was identified in various diving tests in a 100ft deep tank.

After serving in several duties he was selected as a Commanding Officer and described the heavy responsibility this entailed. With no-one to turn to, officers make mistakes, and he went on to explain that he once misread the tide situation out of Portsmouth harbour and went out sideways.

He was thanked by Steve Jones. President Peter Buxton then closed the meeting.

The next meeting takes place on Wednesday September 27, at the Swan Hotel, at noon. Membership forms for retired professional and businessmen are avaiable from Peter Buxton on (01789) 762771.