OUR exciting new appeal to Keep the Pamela May Afloat has caught readers' imagination.

In just a week we have raised more than £1,600 towards our £5,000 target - but there's plenty of work still to do.

The coffers were immediately swelled on the launch of the appeal thanks to a bumper donation of more than £1,000.

Last week the Advertiser asked YOU to help raise the £5,000 to ensure a narrowboat based at Hanbury Wharf can continue its great community work.

Things started swimmingly thanks to a super donation of £1,100 from Worcest-ershire Contract Bridge Association.

Cash was raised by members who entered a bridge knockout competition, sponsored by your No.1 community newspaper.

Their generous contribution will help our aim of covering the Pamela May's maintenance and running costs for the 2001 season.

We had another boost when a family friend of senior skipper Ben Lee spotted the appeal and immediately stumped up £500.

With other generous donations from readers, the appeal stands at almost £1,700.

Volunteers charter the Pamela May along the Birming-ham to Worcester Canal as a treat for people in nursing homes, respite centres and hospices in and around Bromsgrove and Droitwich Spa.

Sadly, the well-used vessel is heading for stormy waters if funds continue to drain away.

To help us reach our target we need readers' support.