I WRITE in response to Redditch Council's ill-thought out plan to charge £1.75 per week for the warden service.

Many pensioners are living on the bread line and will be unable to afford the extra expense.

Elderly people living in sheltered housing rely on the free service and will be forced to either pay the new charge or have the service withdrawn.

I understand the council has recently telephone canvassed elderly tenants of non-sheltered housing, requesting them to have a warden service, many of whom feel they would lose their independence by having a warden.

Whoever is responsible for this policy should hang their head in shame.

Penalising people for being elderly is unforgivable.

I came to the conclusion long ago that the council is an uncaring council and this just reaffirms that belief.

This proposal is morally wrong and I urge councillors to reject it. Failing to do so will result in even more pensioners living in poverty.

Scott D Preston

Winyates Centre
