FAMILIES fighting to halt shops being built near their homes have been urged to work alongside developers.

Primsland Estates Limited, from Stourbridge, won an appeal a fortnight ago to build two shops, including a convenience store, off Primsland Way.

CDS Development Services Ltd, based in Shirley, Birmingham, is responsible for the planning application.

Director Charles Robinson doubts the families will win their fight.

He said: "The only way the appeal can be challenged is if the inspectorate's decision is wrong in law.

"Issues were carefully considered and a good planning decision made.

"People fear they are losing the open space but my client owns just half an acre of the five-and-a-half acre site.

"I understand residents must have their say but people need to be realistic.

"We should work together and get the best out of what the development can provide."

Mr Robinson added: "Barratt West Midlands owns the land and for twenty years has tried to hand it over as open space.

"No-one wants it because of high maintenance costs it incurs."

Resident Sue Baker, of Mulberry Tree Hill, believes people have been kept in the dark.

She said: "We need a meeting with developers and councillors to discuss the site's future."

Droitwich Spa town councillor Don Lawley (Con, Droit.South) said: "We are keen to take over the site and made this clear."

Wychavon District Council has £350,000 which was set aside for a community hall.

The project fell through and Cllr Lawley said some of that money could be used on this site.