IT is worrying to realise that youngsters are roaming about causing damage to allotments and frightening elderly householders. Many of the incidents happen after dark.

Do parents realise what their youngsters are doing? Do parents understand the dangers of running wild over allotments - broken glass, sharp metal, broken fences?

A youngster could fall and be seriously injured. They could encounter often more serious dangers, roaming after dark.

Parents who are reading the newspaper this evening - do you know where your son or daughter is now? Please check to be sure.

And what happened to a proposal by Jack Straw about the police being enabled to collect young people wandering the streets late in the evening - to be collected from the police station by their parents?

Today, I heard on Radio 4 that Jack Straw defined the function of police officers as first, to reduce crime and secondly to prevent disorder.

High-spirited youngsters can too easily fall into activities, which border on criminal. This is not a trivial matter.