OVER the past few weeks, you have published a number of letters regarding asylum seekers most of which have been hostile to their presence in this country.

There are good bad and indifferent among any nationality that you care to mention, it's simply a case of the way things are. I well remember the hostility that greeted the Ugandan Asians when they fled to the UK.

However, the vast majority of them were hard-working and industrious and quickly established themselves in various commercial activities providing jobs and prosperity not only for their own but for many indigenous UK residents too.

The recently-announced measures to spread asylum seekers across the UK is both sensible and humane.

However, it is by no means original as the same policy was implemented when the Vietnameese Boat People were allowed into the UK in almost identical circumstances.

It is my belief that the people of any country who fail to answer the call to help those less fortunate than themselves have abdicated all moral authority to have an opinion on anything.


Malvern Link.