A FREE bus service has been set up to ferry people between Worcestershire's three hospitals from Monday.

Patients, visitors and hospital staff can use a voucher scheme in operation on the new "EasyLink" buses, which will supplement the existing services running between the three sites.

People will be able to travel free on showing a NHS travel voucher.

However, hospital staff have demanded changes to the "ludicrous" service which has cost £285,000.

They say it is both inadequate and problematic.

UNISON Kiddermin-ster and district branch secretary Jennifer Harrison said hospital workers were aghast to see the new timetable.

She said some services have been designated to leave Worcester before shifts are finished.

And a "dedicated" shuttle-service for staff to travel from Kidderminster Hospit-al to Worcester will only have eight seats.

She said: "The 'dedicated' service is a joke. Not only is it just eight seats but staff have to inform 48 hours in advance if they want to use it.

"So there's no accounting for people whose cars may break down that morning."

Also 9am-5pm office workers wanting to get to Worcester on time will have to catch the 6.15am bus from the hospital because the next service leaves at 8.56am.

She said: "The day is going to be long enough for staff who have to travel to Worcester without these unnecessary delays. The whole thing needs to be looked at again."