JOHN Barton has seen fit to correct me in the dropping of one word, irrelevant really because bloodsports are bloodsports, whatever the perpetrators' name. My main argument was, and still is that politics have no place at a village carnival, and politics were certainly in play on July 1.

John has assured us of that in his previous letter. If carrying a banner stating "Back off Blair" isn't politics, I don't know what is, and as for my saying there was a "fun", atmosphere around the Countryside Alliance's float then it is Mr Barton who this time needs correcting. I do not find animal abuse or anyone who aids and abets it "fun", and I do hope the T-shirts and papers that were handed out were not yet more methods of political bias and misinformation. The Countryside Alliance continues to function as a predominantly pro-hunt organisation leaving the rest of us at the bottom of their agenda.

P WALTERS, Sandscroft Avenue, Broadway.