September 1, 1900

Astwood Bank Poultry Society - At the weekly meeting of the above society held at the White Lion Hotel on Monday evening, there was an unusually large number of members present.

Mr F L Timson presided and an address was delivered by Mr W H Gregory on "How to prepare poultry for showing purposes".

The address was practically demonstrated by specimens exhibited for inspection by the members.

At the conclusion, questions were asked and useful information given on many points which Mr Gregory, from experience, was able to give.

A vote of thanks was heartily accorded to Mr Gregory for his interesting and instructive address and suitably acknowledged.

It was decided to hold monthly shows in connection with the meeting of the society.

September 1, 1900

Astwood Bank Poultry Society - At the weekly meeting of the above society held at the White Lion Hotel on Monday evening, there was an unusually large number of members present.

Mr F L Timson presided and an address was delivered by Mr W H Gregory on "How to prepare poultry for showing purposes".

The address was practically demonstrated by specimens exhibited for inspection by the members.

At the conclusion, questions were asked and useful information given on many points which Mr Gregory, from experience, was able to give.

A vote of thanks was heartily accorded to Mr Gregory for his interesting and instructive address and suitably acknowledged.

It was decided to hold monthly shows in connection with the meeting of the society.