WHENEVER I read of mayhem caused by unruly, noisy neighbours, or of the young, old or just defenceless good people being assaulted, conned or robbed by thugs, I become very annoyed by the laws which should be so severe with wrongdoers.

It was my lot to deal with many of the problems these people cause and I always thought if I could have banished them to some island with similar miscreants, I could have made a better place for us all to live in. I am, I suppose, a "throwback" to another age.

Whenever I feel a little despondent, I then think of the wonderful people it has been my good fortune to meet - like the gentleman who willingly gives up three evenings a week to visit the sick and elderly, without any reward except the gratitude and friendship they give them.

I think of Cecil Duckworth, who has been made Worcester a better place, by bestowing us with such gifts as the Chapter Meadows for our pleasure and a rugby club whose achievements he has done much to bring about.

There are also the volunteers at St Richard's Hospice whom it was my pleasure to visit, while giving a little talk recently.

So, whenever I read these wretched accounts of some idiot damaging the lives of us all, I take heart in the wonderful people I read about or is my pleasure to meet. At least some people are pulling in the right direction.


St John's.