THE news the Kingfisher Shopping Centre is proposing to ban smoking has been met with strong support from shoppers.

Surprisingly, even most smokers seem united in favour of a ban when we stopped shoppers to conduct a straw poll of their reaction.

The centre's management are working with the council, health authority and other partners to phase in a ban following the centre's multi-million pound redevelopment and public consultation.

Roy Page, a dispatch manager who smokes 10 a day, said: "A ban wouldn't bother me and I think it's probably a good idea.

"The times I do walk through here, I can't stand the smell of cigarettes, even though I smoke. It might be nuisance for me but I'm trying to give up anyway."

Mother and non-smoker Heather Falconer, 20, said: "A ban would be a very good idea. Cigarettes aren't very nice for people who don't smoke and a ban would leave a cleaner environment as well."

Ronald Foxall, 71, who used to smoke ''like a chimney'' said: "It would certainly make the cleaners happier.

''People can smoke if they want but there's no need for it. You don't need a fag and you're better off without it."

Twenty-a-day Leslie McGovern, 72, said: "A ban wouldn't bother me. I wouldn't light up if told not to.''

Anne Bonner, 48, and husband Patrick, 51, both smokers, said: "Definitely ban it - it's a damn good idea.

''Smoking should be banned in all public areas. We're both smokers but wouldn't dream of it in here because it's not nice to force your habit on other people and it would make it cleaner. You can smell it as you walk through.

"We also shop at Merry Hill, where you can't smoke, and it just doesn't bother us."

Ian Readman, 42, visiting from Gainsborough, said: "I don't think non-smokers like me should have to put up with other people's smoke. I'm not anti-smoking - if people do it in their own areas, fair enough."

Press operator and smoker Stephanie Braithwaite, 17, said: "If it was banned, it would be inconvenient for me. If you look around, you don't see that many people smoking anyway and if they do, people can always move away."

NEW College student and smoker Chris Thorpe, 16, said: "I think people will smoke no matter what. There's just too many smokers so I think a ban is a bad idea."

Retired Enos Boucher, 65, said: "I packed up smoking in 1969 with no regrets and I strongly disapprove of it now.

''It should be banned. It really annoys me when I'm shopping and people are blowing smoke in my face.''