I WOULD like to bring to notice, through your letters columns, the inconsiderate people who, either through their sheer disrespect or complete ignorance, take up parking spaces reserved for the disabled.

On Thursday, I went to park my car in the allocated spaces in Church Road in the town centre.

I found four of these inconsiderate people had taken up spaces and none of their vehicles displayed the disabled driver's badge.

In one car were two young people who, when approached about them being parked in a disabled spot, just stuck up two fingers.

So much for the youth of today, but I really do think it is about time the council started wheel clamping these offenders and charge them a hefty sum to get their vehicles released.

Perhaps then they would think twice about parking in these disabled spaces.

I really do think these sort of people should be financially punished for their behaviour.

It is about time Redditch Council did something about this.

Name and address supplied