THE Redditch Development Corporation completely refurbished the Palace Theatre then, amid much rejoicing by politically well-connected culture-vultures, handed this financial albatross over to the citizens of our fair town.

The rejoicing, however, soon turned to much wailing and gnashing of teeth at "estimates time", when the realisation hit councillors that they had also inherited the high-debt charges for the Palace that adds each year to the huge losses incurred by this White Elephant.

Councillor David Cartwright is being either disingenuous or is singularly uninformed if he believes the rented housing stock and other community assets were handed over debt-free to Redditch District Council.

Some of us have long memories, as well as an eye for detail.

Redditch District Council took on all of the debt charges, 60-year mortgages like those it still pays to the Public Works Loan Board, or its successors, on its present housing stock.

Many of the old development corporation houses, like district council-built houses, have been sold off at discount prices but the "mortgage debts" still have to be paid off.

David's "wish list" is pure spin-doctoring.

If only the "old school" of professional, experienced, local government former employees could speak out.

But at "estimates time" they are all remembered, not least by the costs incurred to the county council-run pension fund of their redundancies, early retirements and "added-years-of-pension benefits", people who were at the peak of professional performance.

County Councillor CT Wareing

Jays Close

Winyates Green