AT the July meeting, a minute's silence was held in remembrance of Brenda Dainty, president of neighbouring Drakes Cross WI and much-loved member of the local community.

Members then heard about how Sheila Jennings had taken part in the Playtex Moonwalk Marathon in London and saw the medal she was given for raising money for cancer charities.

Tickets were bought for the summer garden party and supper and details were given of a group walk at Arrow Valley and a trip to the Back to Backs in Birmingham.

Netta Pearson from Drakes Cross WI then gave a report of the AGM at the Albert Hall.

The main part of the evening was about the natural healing properties of aloe vera, demonstrated by Janet and Wendy.

Next month is member's evening. There will be a treasure trail around the district followed by a return to the hall for a games evening.