PLANS for an extra opening day for Redditch Market have been slammed by the town's traders. A five-day week would be a "waste of time", they say.

"The public don't want it and neither do we," said Mr John Linley, toy trader. "But the council will benefit by getting more money in rents."

Borough councillors have named Wednesday as the extra day.

If approved the fifth market day will start on October 1 for a six-month trial period.

A vote taken among market traders showed 89 were against the move with 33 in favour and two abstentions.

"The longer people are open the more they will sell," said Mayor Mr Alan Jones.

"The market brings trade into the town and an extra day can only be a good thing for Redditch."

In 1979 a total of 1,387 absences by the traders cost the council £5,667 in lost money.