A RUBERY rock quartet experienced the biggest challenge of their fledgling career when they competed in a battle of the bands competition at the National Exhibition Centre on Monday, July 11.

Wasted, made up of brothers Luke and John Hassan, Jonathan Jones and Connor Simmonds, performed one of their own songs and covered classic Aha1980s hit Take On Me at the National Rock and Pop Festival.

They were one of 60 groups from up and down the Midlands battling to prove they were the best up and coming bands around.

Peter Hessan, father to Luke and John said: "The boys were very nervous but they did and excellent job. It's the biggest arena they have ever played in and they did very well.

"They are only young but they have a lot of talent and hope to go a long way."

The quartet, who all attend Waseley Hills High School, were approached by producer TJ Hertz to cut a demo after the show.

The National Rock and Pop Festival, which runs until the end of this week, is packed with workshops and concerts, focusing on helping young people get more from contemporary music. Organisers expect of 2000 children from the West Midlands to attend.